Building Cross Border Capital from the US to Singapore


Duration of Capital is More Important than Ever

We Bring Companies Quicker Visibility, Reach, and Investor Exposure by Capturing the Value Arbitrage between the US and Singapore



Himali Kothari is the founder of Aquamarine Value, bridging capital from the US to Singapore.

After working in Asia, she noticed a fundamental gap in the marketplace — many mid-market companies operating in Asia did not have access to capital introductions from the US.

This led to the conception of Aquamarine Value, where the mission is to showcase unique Singapore based companies for investment opportunities so they can scale faster in ASEAN. In addition, we offer value to US companies by way of introductions to a broad set of Singapore based investors.

We enhance deal structures providing downside protection with equity upside for both liquid and illiquid strategies, capturing the value arbitrage between the US and Singapore.

Himali Kothari, Founder of Aquamarine Value